Call 2018 #

We invite scholarly papers describing original research on new interfaces for musical expression. What constitutes research within the field of NIME may take a number of forms, which we can consider in relation to three “vertices”:

Each of these perspectives may have different criteria for evaluating success or quality. NIME research at large spans this space, and it is our goal to embrace and present the breadth of research activities and orientations in our community. We welcome high-quality submissions of all varieties of NIME research, and will strive to evaluate them according to appropriate criteria. Possible topics for papers include but are not limited to the thematic areas for the conference and any of the topics.

A paper can be submitted in one of four categories:

At the conference full and short papers will be presented either during paper sessions or during poster sessions. Please indicate your preferred format during the submission process. Please note, the program committee reserves the right to determine presentation format regardless of the indicated preference, as well as the right to require a reduced paper length (e.g. from 6 pages to 4). Also, please note the paper lengths provided above are all-inclusive, including the references section. All submissions should conform to the paper templates provided below in LaTex and Word (docx) format:

Download LaTex Paper Template Download Word (docx) Paper Template

Panel papers will be presented in a 45 minute panel session. A maximum of 25 minutes of this time can be used to present the paper, and the remaining time must be used as a discussion between the authors and the audience. Panel papers must have at least 4 authors, and all paper authors must register for and attend the conference.

Demonstration papers will be presented as demonstrations during a poster session. It is also possible to submit a proposal for a demonstration which will not be accompanied by a paper publication–for additional info on non-paper demonstrations, please see the call for Non-Paper Workshops and Demos category below. All demonstration paper submissions must include a video.

For those submitting workshop papers, you must also submit a proposal for a non-paper workshop. Workshop papers will be subject to the double-blind paper review process, and workshop proposals will be reviewed and curated by the conference program committee based on its relevance to the conference theme and feasibility. For a workshop paper to be accepted, both the workshop and a paper will need to be accepted based on their respective criteria. In the event a workshop paper is rejected and a workshop proposal is accepted, the authors will be given an option to present a workshop without a publication.

All paper category submissions must be completely anonymized, including, but not limited to authors, references, and specific project names that can clearly identify the author(s).

Accepted papers will be published online as part of the conference proceedings on the conference website and eventually on At least one author for each accepted paper is expected to register for and attend the conference. All Panel Paper authors are expected to register for the conference. Papers for which no author registers will be removed from the proceedings.

Paper Review Process #

All paper submissions will be subjected to a rigorous double-blind peer review process by an international committee of experts. The process is as follows:

Please note this review process is double-blind, meaning reviewers remain anonymous to the authors and vice-versa.

Call for Music #

We invite submission of proposals that showcase new interfaces for musical expression in composition and performance. We encourage submissions that expand, reform, and refine our understanding of NIME in the performance, conceptualization, and reception of music. We look forward to receiving submissions that respond to the conference theme of “Mirrored Resonances” in any of the many ways it might be interpreted. For example, one of the topics, “off-the-shelf NIME”, encourages exploration of the presence and use of inexpensive, commercially available NIME as a kind of mirrored resonance of the non-commercial, academic research that often enabled them. Many of the conference thematic areas similarly afford connections with the larger conference theme, and we encourage submissions exploring these implications.

In addition to the general NIME submissions, we invite proposals that engage our featured performers in a NIME context, which may involve a NIME-enhanced performance by a featured performer, or a NIME performance that also engages a traditional performance modality by one or more of our featured performers. Please contact Music Chairs with any questions regarding the suitability of a potential NIME performance submission. We will consider submissions of existing works as well as proposals for new ones. Selected composers will work closely with our performing musicians in realization of their pieces.

If a music submission is selected for performance at NIME, it is our expectation that the proposing artists will be available to perform the work on any day of the conference. In order to maintain the necessary flexibility to craft the most programmatically coherent concerts possible, we are regrettably unable to consider requests for musical performances to happen on specific days of the conference.

Music proposals (compiled into a single pdf) should include:

In addition, you will be asked to provide artist bio(s) as a separate entry box in the online submission system.

We particularly invite pieces of 5-12 minutes duration; however, shorter and longer works will be considered. Please keep in mind the following when preparing music performance submissions:

All paper category submissions must be completely anonymized, including, but not limited to authors, references, and specific project names that can clearly identify the author(s).

Music Review Process #

All submissions will be evaluated by multiple adjudicators with respect to a shared rubric, based on conference themes as well as the above criteria. The panelists’ evaluations will be aggregated. Review is double-blind.

Call for Installations #

We invite submission of proposals that will showcase new interfaces and applications for musical expression in sound installation. Proposed works should have a clear connection to the NIME conference and may be connected to a paper, poster or demo submission.

In addition to the general NIME submissions, we encourage installation submissions that closely respond to the NIME 2018 theme “Mirrored Resonances”.

NIME 2018 also encourages networked & web-based works.

The installation proposals (compiled in a single pdf) should include:

In addition, you will be asked to provide artist bio(s) as a separate entry box in the online submission system.

Please keep in mind the following when preparing installation submissions:

All installation category submissions must be anonymized to the extent possible, including, but not limited to authors, media credits, and specific project names that can clearly identify the author(s).

Installation Review Process #

All installation submissions will be evaluated by a review panel according to the following criteria: originality, impact, creativity, technique, presentation, and feasibility.

Call for non-paper workshops & demos #

NIME 2018 welcomes the submission of workshop and demo proposals that are not accompanied by a paper. These specialized workshops may be in any area of the NIME themes or topics. We particularly encourage submissions that offer K-12 education opportunities and with NIMEs for multichannel diffusion, as well as other workshops that capitalize on Virginia Tech’s unique programmatic and physical infrastructure, including the high-density loudspeaker arrays.

Unlike the workshop-papers and demo-papers available under the papers category, workshops and demo proposals do not need to be anonymized and will be curated by the conference committee based on their relevance to the conference theme and feasibility. As a result, the feedback on these curated acceptances and rejections will be limited.

The non-paper workshop proposals (compiled in a single pdf) should include:

The non-paper demo proposals (compiled in a single pdf) should include:

Topics #

Original contributions are encouraged in, but not limited to, the following topics:

Important Dates #

Please note the following important dates:

January 20: Paper, Panel, Poster, Demo-paper, Workshop-paper, Music, and Installation submission deadline (no new submissions in these categories will be accepted after this date) January 27: Final submission upload deadline March 1: Non-paper demo and workshop submission deadline March 15-22: Notification of acceptances and rejections April 3: Early-bird registration deadline April 10: Camera ready submission and presenter registration deadline June 3: Pre-conference workshops June 3-6: The conference June 7: The unconference