Call 2019 #

We would like to invite you to be part of NIME 2019 - The International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression.

In its nineteenth edition, NIME crosses the Equatorial line, happening for the first time in South America, being held at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The theme of this conference edition is BLENDING DIMENSIONS: Inspiration and Challenge. This theme aims at inspiring the most unusual musical interactions in the space of possibilities that lies between what is apparent and what is hidden. NIME 2019 welcomes those that are willing to take risks in creative processes, fostering the connections between humans and computers, technology and art, as well as the hemispheres of Earth.

We invite submissions of new works in the following categories:


The online submission system will be open at

Templates for paper and poster proposals are also on the Submission page.


  1. All paper category submissions must be completely anonymized, including, but not limited to authors, references, and specific project names that can clearly identify the author(s).

  2. At least one person (author, performer, artist) MUST be registered for the conference for their piece/paper to be included in the program. Papers for which no author registers - and/or is not present at the conference - will be removed from the proceedings.

  3. Demonstration papers will be presented during a poster session. It is also possible to submit a proposal for a demonstration which will not be accompanied by a paper publication. For additional info on non-paper demonstrations, please see the call for Non-Paper Workshops and Demos category below. All demonstration paper submissions must include a video.

  4. A manuscript submitted for review cannot be already under review for publication elsewhere or be submitted for a second review elsewhere while under review for NIME 2019.

  5. Accepted papers will be published online as part of the conference proceedings on the conference website and will be archived online to be tracked by citation tools.


Call for Papers #

We welcome submissions of original research on scientific and artistic use of new interfaces for musical expression. A non-exhaustive list of NIME-related topics is found below.

There are three different paper submission categories:

Topics #

Original contributions are encouraged in, but not limited to, the following topics:


All paper submissions will be subjected to a rigorous double-blind peer review process by an international committee of experts. All of the submitted papers should demonstrate rigorous research methodology and evaluated according to the following criteria:

The process is as follows:

Please note this review process is double-blind, meaning reviewers remain anonymous to the authors and vice-versa. It is expected that authors respect NIME’s Publication ethics and malpractice statement.


There will be NO EXTENSION to the paper submission deadline. However, authors of registered papers on or before January 20th will be allowed to upload new versions of their papers (in PDF format) until January 27th (23h59 American Samoa time zone). No other changes will be possible (i.e. authors will not be able to change title, abstract, authors, keywords/topics, or other metadata). No registration of new papers will be possible after January 20th, and no submission of new versions of registered papers will be possible after January 27th.


Call for Music #

We invite submission of proposals that showcase new interfaces for musical expression in composition and performance. We look forward to receiving submissions that expand and reshape our understanding of NIME in the performance, conceptualization, and reception of music. We encourage submissions that respond to the conference theme of BLENDING DIMENSIONS: Inspiration and Challenge.

Please contact the Music Chairs with any questions regarding the suitability of a potential NIME performance submission. We will consider submissions of existing works as well as proposals for new ones.

If a music submission is selected for performance at NIME, it is our expectation that the proposing artists will be available to perform the work on ANY day of the conference. The NIME 2019 organization is unable to consider requests for musical performances to happen on specific days of the conference.

Music proposals (compiled into a single pdf) should include:

In addition, you will be asked to provide artist bio(s) as a separate entry box in the online submission system.

Typical NIME performance pieces last for 5-15 minutes, but shorter and longer performance proposals may also be taken into consideration. You must consider the following aspects when preparing music performance submissions:

Call for Art Installations #

NIME 2019 will also provide several locations that can be used to exhibit new music installation works. These are foyer location installations or room-based installations in connection to the conference venues.

Submitted proposals will be subject to a peer review process by an international expert committee. Documentation of the installations will be available online after the conference.

In order to present an installation for NIME 2019, please submit a proposal in the form of a PDF document, maximum 4 pages, containing the following information:

Installation Review Process #

All installation submissions will be evaluated by a review panel according to the following criteria: originality, impact, creativity, technique, presentation, and feasibility. CALL FOR NON-PAPER WORKSHOPS & DEMOS

NIME 2019 welcomes the submission of workshop and demo proposals that are not accompanied by a paper. These specialized workshops may be in any area of the NIME themes or topics.

Unlike the workshop-papers and demo-papers available under the papers category, workshops and demo proposals do not need to be anonymized and will be curated by the conference committee based on their relevance to the conference theme and feasibility. As a result, the feedback on these curated acceptances and rejections will be limited.

The non-paper workshop proposals (compiled in a single pdf) should include:

The non-paper demo proposals (compiled in a single pdf) should include:

Best regards and look forward to seeing you at NIME 2019 in June 2019!!

On behalf of the organizing committee, NIME 2019